
NOVA-MBA, being a community, can only thrive through engagement of all of its members.
There are different levels of engagement based on where you are in your studies/career:

During your MBA

Enroll & Participate

As a first year MBA student, subscribe to NOVA-MBA’s mailing list and WhatsApp group, to start getting in touch with other students and alums and receive news and invitations to key events.

NOVA-MBA student representative

If you are currently pursuing your MBA, you are eligible to become (typically as a second-year student for 2-year MBA programs) the NOVA-MBA student representative for your particular schools. The particular selection criteria for such representative are left to the individual Italian student club to determine for each university. We recommend such representative be the same person that may be President/Coordinator of the local Italian club, if there is one.

Conference Organizer

Each year, we hold a call for candidate schools to organize the yearly NOVA-MBA Conference. Students in each university are asked to assemble a bid and, if they win, organize the conference itself.

Shortly (1-10 years) after your MBA

NOVA-MBA Officer

Every two years, elections for the new group of officers are held through the website. Every member is allowed to vote to select the new group of officers. Officer positions vary and are usually designed to both be inclusive and provide leverage for the association as a whole.

Further on (10+ years) after your MBA

NOVA-MBA Director

Officers and/or others who have been involved with the association are encourage to join the formal board of directors of the association, where they will serve in an oversight and support capacity.

Current Projects

Careers / Recruiting

NOVA-MBA maintains institutional relationships with top MBA recruiters – all top consulting firms, most of the major global investment banks, a significant share of Italy’s largest corporations, and specific investment funds. NOVA-MBA also has established relationships with headhunter firms with an interest in Italian MBAs.

Most of the recruiting efforts that NOVA-MBA is involved with are typically centered around the yearly conference and ad-hoc resume books and interview sessions. Networking opportunities abound however, and there is always a good chance that you will be able to connect with someone working at your target firm through NOVA.

Communications / Press

NOVA-MBA has been involved and cited in the popular press a large number of times. We have been featured in Times Magazine, on the Corriere della Sera, on Radio 24, and on several additional major publications.

For press inquiries, please contact our Communication and Engagement Officer

Policy Affairs

NOVA-MBA is involved in policy affairs with both lawmakers and government officials of the Italian Republic. Our most significant contribution in this area has been to the law providing financial incentives to repatriating Italian students and workers from abroad.

Tech / Web / Social Media

NOVA-MBA is committed to maintaining a lively web and social media presence, through the maintenance of this website and of related interest groups on LinkedIn and beyond.

How To Get Involved?

If you are presently attending or have graduated from an MBA program in one of the NOVA-MBA list of schools, you are eligible to join the association. Joining the association is presently free. In order to join, all you need to do is to sign up on our website using your business school email address. NOVA-MBA is a community and, as such, getting involved is just up to you. Via the NOVA-MBA website you can get back in touch with alumni from your own class year, connect with alumni from your same class year at different universities, or find alumni from your school who may be working in a particular company/location for networking. We encourage members to organize local events to connect with and get to know other members who may be living/working in cities where NOVA-MBA doesn’t currently have a strong alumni footprint (New York, London, Milan, Rome).

Members are informed via (infrequent) newsletter about major upcoming events in their area.

If you would like to contact us for any information not listed on this website, or if you have trouble signing up, please email this address [email protected]

Support NOVA-MBA

NOVA-MBA does not charge yearly membership fees – it instead supports itself via corporate donations linked to its yearly conference. Individual donations are welcome, and can be submitted by applying for one of the non-free membership packages. Donations to the Association are tax deductible within the limits of your own personal tax situation.

Depending on the level of financial resources available to our not-for-profit organization, we will, as we have in the past, offer merit-based scholarships. MBA officers and directors are all volunteers – none of us receives any compensation for our work for NOVA-MBA