
Nova Administrator

We are delighted to share a selection of relevant editorial coverage from the last few weeks.

Below the links to some of the most interesting perspectives on Covid19 emergency and other interesting reflections, all carefully selected for you by our team.

Enjoy the readings!

The needed changes in fashion and luxury explained by one of the most famous Italian designer

Giorgio Armani, la lettera al mondo della moda: “Io non voglio più lavorare così, è immorale. È tempo di togliere il superfluo e ridefinire i tempi” – di F.Q – Read here

How coronavirus can help us transition to a more responsible society 

The coronavirus pandemic may be a turning point for responsible business – di P. Polman – Read here

A reflection on the current situation by a venture capitalist – It’s time to build

di M. Andreessen – Read here

What’s next for Italy: the perspective of the Leader of the Italian Task Force 

Coronavirus, Colao: «Un’apertura a ondate per testare il sistema. L’app entro maggio oppure servirà a poco» – di A. Cazzullo – Read here

Women and equal opportunity: the impact of Covid 

Orari, ruoli e stipendi: le donne nell’era Covid tra rischi e opportunità – di R. Scorranese – Read here

Tips and tricks to minimize Zoom fatigue – How to Combat Zoom Fatigue

di L. Fosslien, M. W. Duffy – Read here

A perspective from an LBS economist on the effects of the pandemic on Italy

Reichlin: “Con il debito pubblico al 160% del Pil, l’Italia non può stare tranquilla” – di  R. Petrini – Read here