Date: 9th - 11th Nov 2018 – see agenda for timing

Location: Live event CBS, New York, NY - USA

Registration link: not applicable


The 2018 Nova Conference will gravitate around three key forces that can contribute to reNOVAte Italy 


Rationales behind our choice 


·       Education, Corporate, and Institutions, are the three key forces that can contribute and shape Italian Development 

·       Italy has been constantly lacking ability to develop talent and generate innovations in last 20-30 years 


·       How can Italy become a place where talent and innovation can flourish

·       What does Italy have to do to change the status quo, to reNOVAte itself?


·       At NOVA XVIII, we aim to create an integrated discussion that starts from talent development in Universities and Corporates, continues assessing how this is highly correlated to innovation, and finishes defining what concrete actions the Institutions can implement in short and long term 


Friday – Cipriani Wall Street, 55 Wall Street

·      19:00 Check-in at kick-off reception 

·      19:50 Introductory speech: F. Genuardi, Consul General of Italy in New York 

·      20:00 Kick-off speech: A. Achille, 20:00 McKinsey & Company (platinum sponsor) 

·      20:30 Keynote speech: D. Siniscalco 

·      22:00 End of the day 

Saturday – The Italian Academy, 1161 Amsterdam Ave

·      08:00 Check-in and welcome coffee 

·      09:00 Welcome speech: C. D’Arpizio, Bain & Company (platinum sponsor) 

·      09:30 Education keynote speech: F. Profumo

·      10:15 1st Panel: Generating a talent friendly ecosystem 

·      11:15 Coffee break and networking

·      12:00 2nd Panel: Winning innovation resilience

·      13:00 Lunch

·      14:00 Corporate keynote speech: S. Domenicali

·      14:45 Coffee break

·      15:00 Breakout sessions

·      16:00 Coffee break

·      16:15 Agenda for Italy 2030: Interview with F. Gallia 

·      17:15 Wrap-up ssera 23:30 End of the day (club optional) 

- Columbia University Low Memorial Library  

·      20:00 Gala dinner
20:30 Agenda for Italy 2030 keynote speech: C. Passera

·      23:30 End of the day

Sunday - Italian Consulate, 690 Park Ave

·      9:00 Welcome coffee 

·      10:00 Networking event with recruiting partners 

·      13:00 End of the event 

Confirmed Speakers and Moderators

Stefano Domenicali

CEO, Lamborghini

Francesco Genuardi

Consul General of Italy in NY

Corrado Passera

President, Spaxs

Francesco Profumo

President, Compagnia di San Paolo

Domenico Siniscalco

Vice chairman, Morgan Stanley Europe

Filippo Mancia

Associate Professor, Columbia University

Francesco Lucciola

Vice-president Strategy & Corporate Development, ITT Inc

Aldo Uva

Chief Open Innovation Officer and COO, Ferrero

Gianmario Verona

Rector, Bocconi University

Gabriele Benedetto

CEO, Telepass

Livia Cevolini

CEO, Energica Motor Company S.p.A. and Marketing & Sales Director, CRP Group

Alberto Frausin

CEO, Carlsberg Italy

Carlo Purassanta

President, Microsoft France

Fabio Gallia

CEO, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti 2015-2018

Gianni Riotta

Columnist, La Stampa

Antonio Achille

Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company

Claudia D’Arpizio

Partner, Bain & Company

Organizing Team

Jacopo Bellini

MBA Candiate at CBS


Lodovico Ferrario

MBA Candiate at CBS


Davide Pugliese

MBA Candiate at CBS


Lorenzo Casalini

MBA Candiate at CBS

Speakers & Panels

Michele Riotta

MBA Candiate at CBS

Speakers & Panels

Ilaria Cattozzi

MBA Candiate at CBS


Ranieri Paternò

MBA Candiate at CBS


Antonio Seccomandi

MBA Candiate at CBS


Tommaso Valli

MBA Candiate at LBS


Anna Pittini

MBA Candiate at CBS

Marketing & Operations

Alessandra Sanchi

MBA Candiate at CBS

