
Nova Administrator

Dear fellow NOVA members and supporters,

NOVA has partnered with Gruppo Sella for a special fundraising campaign to create 20 new ICU beds (terapia intensiva) in Lombardy, to contrast the COVID-19 emergency as well as support the Buzzi children’s hospital
—> Every amount counts, so please donate as much or as little as you see fit, but please donate now and help us support Italy and save lives!

NOVA Fundraiser for the COVID emergency, in partnership with Gruppo Sella for the Buzzi hospital


  • Donations from this NOVA campaign will be matched by Gruppo Sella, as part of a joint initiative
  • Donations will go directly to the Fondazione Buzzi (non-profit) and are therefore tax deductible donations
  • Donations will be used to buy Intensive Care Unit equipment for the Buzzi children’s hospital in Milan (see this presentation with details)
  • In the short term, the equipment will also be made available to patients from Ospedale Sacco and the other hospitals on the front lines in Lombardy, currently fighting the COVID-19 emergency (see this article by Corriere della Sera for details)
  • You can donate now through bank wire (bonifico) or via PayPalwriting “NOVA Covid-19 Buzzi” in the notes, so that the hospital can notify Banca Sella of your donation and obtain a matching contribution
  • Please feel free to share this campaign with your colleagues and help us fundraise as much as we can!

We are going through challenging times and this can certainly be a small but very important step we can all make to save lives: every ICU bed can save one or more life now, as well as in the coming years.

Please help us, together we can make a difference.